It's not just for TV Presenters

Who attends TV Presenting courses?
TV presenter training is not just for mainstream #tvpresenters. My recent training courses were attended by a floristry expert, criminal barrister, choreographer, solicitor, two Dancing on Ice professional skaters, print journalist, IT consultant, blogger, marine engineer, cocktails expert, country music singer, boxing coach, art historian, cabin crew, accountant, HR, wine expert, tech geek, opera singer and set designer. All had their own reasons for attending, with traditional TV presenting not necessarily being the end goal.
People use #tvpresentertraining to build up their brand, vlog, record marketing videos, create their own content channels, speak to camera with confidence and improve their style. Overcoming nerves, controlling breathing, good voice, clear diction, planning what you want to say, getting your message across, being aware of your body language, posture, mannerisms and connecting with your audience are all part of the mix. TV presenting is being You, you need to feel comfortable in your own skin, and as part of this process you can find yourself facing your fears, and learning to ignore your inner critic.
Of course some people are confident enough to broadcast to the world, no training, from their kitchen table with huge success; for others it feels safer to get expert feedback and learn from mistakes before publishing.
TV Presenter successes
I’ve trained people who’ve gone on to have high profile TV presenting careers including #seemajaswal BBC and ITV Sport, #juliachatterley CNN reporter/anchor, #davidmcclelland BBC Rip Off Britain tech expert, #sitathomas Channel 5 Milkshake children’s presenter, and #mariefrancoisewolff, QVC Kipling bags expert.
But, more recently and in equal number are those who successfully present online such as flower expert Rona Wheeldon @flowerona, vegan cook Suzanne Kirlew @kirleysueskitchen, wine expert Charlotte Kristensen @thelondonwinegirl, and Dr Clare Lynch award winning business writing tutor,
Talking to camera
As speaking to a camera lens increasingly becomes routine for business, home and social media, the fear of talking to a camera is not what it once was for many. That said, we are programmed to communicate face to face, so talking to a camera can still seem uncomfortable and unnatural, even for millennials. The trick is to learn how to overcome nerves and make presenting to camera seem everyday, normal, conversational, whether for high profile TV or your own recordings.